Areca 1231ML Benchmarking Results HD4 vs Raptor

The latest WD Raptor, the WD740ADFD, is the fastest commercially available SATA Hard Disk at present (January 2007). And the Areca 1231ML and other 1280 series RAID cards (no sure what happend to their series numbering there) being full Hardware RAID, and using the Intel IO341 chip, are generally acknowledged to be the fastest or thereabouts of the server RAID cards. So the best the mankind can achieve in performance (given an acceptable level of data security) with hard disks is represented by around 10 of the latest WD Raptors in RAID6. We will compare HyperDrives against 8 Raptors in RAID0 which will be around 10-20% faster than 10 Raptors in RAID6.

Furthermore, with Hard Disks, the more you use, the more likely you are to have a mechanical failure. So the maintenance cost of very large arrays of Hard Disks means that striping more than 8 is really not worth it for the small percentage performance gain.

So now we can ask the 64 million dollar question...

Which would you say is faster: 1 HD4 all by itself, or 8 WD740ADFD Raptors in RAID0 on the fastest RAID cards known to man?

The test system was an ASUS CrossHair Mobo with a dual core 3.0 GHz (6000 Intelahertz) Daul core Athlon 64 processor not overclocked and 1GB of 667 MHz DDR2 in dual channel configuration and a crummy Geforce6 Graphics card with no graphics drivers installed. We used the latest 9.35 nForce 590 Mobo drivers and the latest Areca 1231ML RAID driver. We ran Windows XP SP2. We used a Raptor as the boot disk.

The true Hardware seek time of the New HyperDrive4 (revision3) as measured by the wonderful Data Transit Bus Doctor (30,000 Euro Bus testing hardware) is 1100 nanoseconds read and 250 nanoseconds write. HDtach3 gives a figure of 0.0 milliseconds. Computer Technical's H2BenchW gives a figure of 30 microseconds or occasionally of 20 microseconds, but these figures are just the minimum resolution of the Benchmark. Regrettably most RAID cards degrade this seek time by at least 10 microseconds.

The Results

We used Simpli softwares HDTach3.0.l.0 for the STR figures and CT Magazine's H2BenchW for the seek time and base STR and Windows application figures and Intel's IOmeter for the IOPS figures. Here are all the results in table form.

Capability 1 WD
2 WD Raptors 8 WD Raptors 1 HD4 2 HD4 RAID0 3 HD4
4 HD4
5 HD4
6 HD4
8 HD4
9 HD4
Base STR (H2BenchW) MB/s 77 150 590 140 244 243 486 486 729 877 728
Effective STR (HDTach) MB/s 88.75  164  640  300  342  340  520  525  775  890  740 
Burst STR (HDTach) MB/s 1262 1246 1240 1240 1253 1238 1246 1251 1245 1245 1250
Seek Time ms 8300 8500 8500 1 10 10 10 20 20 20 20
Swap File MB/s 86 103 120 207 280 280 348 351 269 267 269
Install MB/s 43 37.8 33 224 288 314 402 430 366 359 347
Word MB/s 270 214 158 719 773 711 738 751 673 655 620
Photoshop MB/s 150 233 316 285 437 437 765 786 750 745 740
Copying MB/s 234 437 800 643 983 1005 1300 1295 1229 1240 1260
Virus Scan MB/s 17 18.7 20.5 104 130 140 189 197 181 188 179
Combined Index MB/s 89.8 105.6 121.4 286.3 380.0 386.9 506.4 519.9 460.8 460.0 450.7
Max IOPS 365 630 2,000 51,500 55,500 39,250 55,600 37,000 54,250 55,000 36,250
1K file  IOPS 365 600 1,890 42,000 55,500 37,750 55,000 36,000 53,500 54,200 35,500
2K file IOPS 350 570 1,880 30,500 51,500 33,750 53,250 32,250 52,750 52,250 34,000
4K file  IOPS 340 550 1,870 20,000 36,750 23,000 51,000 27,000 50,250 50,500 30,750
8K file IOPS 330 540 1,860 11,500 21,750 13,500 40,000 17,000 45,000 44,750 24,250
16K file IOPS 320 530 1,850 6,500 9,000 7,500 22,000 9,000 30,000 32,500 14,750
32K file IOPS 310 520 1,800 3,500 4,500 4,150 11,400 4,500 15,900 15,900 8,500

All of the figures in the table are cache assisted other than the base STR figure. Here are some bar charts of the most relevant figures.


One HyperDrive is 235% faster at running your basic real world Windows apps than any number of RAID0 raptors on the fastest RAID cards known to man. So your office productivity will more than double even if you are presently using a huge hard disk array!!!

In fact given, the IOPS differential of more than 100x, we have seen speed advantages of 40x and more in the real world for SQL database apps and Multi user web servers and network servers etc.

5 HyperDrives in RAID5 are 428% faster than anything that can be done with hard disks and RAID cards.

So The HD4 has the capability to solve most IO problems!