Initial testing of Solid State Drive  - Early results Single Drive Test.*

CPU 3.2 Ghz (2 x Dual Core)
Memory   1GB System DDR
Controller    Areca 1231ML
Data Set    Copy of Trading table - 10,000,000 + records

Scenario FAS250 Raid ( 14 X SATA 7200 RPM
Disc Drive)
1x Solid State Hyperdrive % Performance Increase
Test 1 - Select * From ss_tbl_Trading where TradeDate = '1/19/2006 142485ms 3544ms 3920%
Test 2 - Trading table Append from ss_tbl_nb_tmp3 (88,695 records) 25130ms 4038ms 522%
Test 3 - Delete ss_tbl_Trading whereTradeDate = '1/18/2006' (16,773 Rows) 157013ms 396ms 39547%
Test 4 - Update ss_tbl_Trading set Customer where TradeDate = '1/19/2006' (22,219 rows) 157465ms 620ms 25297%
Test 5 - DBCC REINDEX - Single Index Stopped after 30 minutes 66617ms infinite


"There is no comparison between the HyperDrive and the 14 Hard disks".
"The performance is on a different planet".